June 2016

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When we initially activated 1Form for our managers almost a decade ago, we were shocked to be met with an overwhelming chorus of protests. Back in those days, managers were not impressed that they were receiving applications via 1Form and demanded we switch the service off again, at once! The objections ranged from inconvenience at having to use something “new”, to distrust of a 3rd party forwarding tenant information, to the complaint that they were “getting too many applications” for properties (Do you remember when getting too many rental applications was your biggest problem? What a time to be alive!) Of course this was 8-9 years agoRead More →

Fill It For Fiji

Contributed By: Real Strategix on

As you know a couple of months ago when Fiji was hit with that terrible cyclone Real Strategix and La Grande Apartments arranged a joint venture to supply items via shipping container to Fiji.  We are pleased to advise the container has arrived and all of you that donated have brought so much joy and assistance to the beautiful people of Fiji.  Here are a few photos. Unloading the items Crossing flood waters Toki Village devastation Yacata IslandRead More →

Smoking in Strata

Contributed By: Hynes Legal on

We have no idea how we haven’t written about this issue before but in terms of frequently asked questions in strata this is one of the biggies. If you were a smoker you couldn’t help but feel a little threatened (and perhaps rather heavily taxed) given the range of legislated rules around smoking.  Smoking has now been banned in aged care facilities and one of the recent state government discussion papers on strata title laws specifically asked for comment about smoking in strata title schemes. And before anyone asks, no, we haven’t seen draft legislation or feedback from the government in relation to any ofRead More →