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Letting Pool: 21
Number of units the manager is authorised to manage.
Owner Occupiers: 3
Number of units resided in by their owners.
Lock Ups: 3
Number of units owners are not renting out, but also do not live in.
Outside Agents: 0
Number of units being rented by other agents (these could potentially be acquired by the manager).
Units In Complex: 27
The total number of units within the complex.
Remuneration: $ 0
This is the body corporate caretaker salary. It is included in the Net Income above.
Agreement Term: 0 years
How long is the caretaking contract.
Agreement Remaining: 0 years
How long remains on the caretaking contract before it must be renewed?
Agreement Age: 0 years
How long has the management rights existed.
Office Hours:
Required Office Hours
Complex Features: Per caretaking agreement and letting agreement.
TENDER OPPORTUNITY - Verano-Noosaville CTS 32594
For Tender
Resort / Holiday management rights, Noosaville QLD
For Tender
Caretaking Management Rights, Noosaville QLD
Caretaking Agreement available for tender
The Body Corporate has prepared its own caretaking agreement, letting agreement and tender specification for submission.
Please contact the Body Corporate only through the listing details to obtain a copy of the tender documents for review. This includes a copy of a tender specification for your completion, community management statement, survey plan and the caretaking agreement and letting agreement.
Any tender submissions must be received by no later than 31 January 2025.
More Information
- Total Purchase Price: For Tender
- Net Income: $ 0
This is the combined total income acheived by the business after expenses, before tax. - Included Real Estate: $ 0
The value of on-title property included with the business. Its price is included in the Total Purchase Price. - Multiplier: undisclosed
Estimated number of years till the Net Income reaches the Purchase Price of the business component. Other factors such as lifestyle, workload, location and offering should always be considered ahead of the multiplier when evaluating a Management Rights business.
Number of units the manager is authorised to manage.
Number of units resided in by their owners.
Number of units owners are not renting out, but also do not live in.
Number of units being rented by other agents (these could potentially be acquired by the manager).
The total number of units within the complex.
This is the body corporate caretaker salary. It is included in the Net Income above.
How long is the caretaking contract.
How long remains on the caretaking contract before it must be renewed?
How long has the management rights existed.
Required Office Hours