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RAAS Property Group Pty Ltd -

Last update: 05 May 2022.

RAAS works with onsite managers to shift landlord client’s understanding of their service from just a caretaker and property management service, to being the trusted advisor for their long-term property investment goals. “Our sales team works with onsite managers to protect, grow, and dominate their MLR business. Managers have personalised access to real estate CRM Eagle Software which is user friendly and saves them a lot of time with the day to day running of their business. “If the manager is fully licensed or holds a sales certificate, they can sell their owner’s property themselves. The managers who are pretty tech savvy can just push a button and get all the information and marketing material they need. “If they do not sell themselves, RAAS provides a dedicated RAAS sales agent to assist, who works together with the manager to target investor buyers to maintain their letting pool as a major priority. RAAS will provide a share of the sales commission to the manager providing an additional revenue stream.” “RAAS Sales Agents and RAAS Residential Management Rights partners advertises approx. 100 residential apartment sales every month. We specialise in listing and selling managed complex units, townhouses, and apartments to investors.”

Main Contact: Tony Ede
Mobile: 0401 563 ...
Office: 075593 0...

Street Address:

Lawson Street Southport , 4215 Australia

Postal Address:

31109 Level 11, Tower 3 / 9 Lawson Street Southport QLD 4215

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