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Contact Person: Jeremy Festa

Mob: 0420537716
Tel: 1300808164
Fax: 0732628337


Street Address:

201 Sandgate Road
Albion, QLD 4010

Postal Address:

Rochele / 201 Sandgate Road
Albion QLD 4010

ABN: 70 609 901 368

We Paint Strata Body Corporate Projects Around Queensland - Brisbane, Gold Coast Sunshine CoastWith over 49 years of experience, we know how to take on large projects. We supply the best team to take on your body corporate project. We have experience working on challenging project sites and circumstances, but we always deliver excellent painting and maintenance results in a timely and cost-effective manner. Repayment and Maintenance Plan options are available.

Steve Mitchell Painting Service

Contact Person: Steve Mitchell

Mob: 0417466753
Tel: 0417466753


Street Address:

23 Bishop Court
Lawnton, QLD 4501

Postal Address:

23 Bishop Court
Lawnton QLD 4501

ABN: 86813884949